Jan. 13, 2024: A great way to Calm Down this week — let’s get Empowered Together

Monday Morning Magic from Inkandescent® PR + Publishing Co. — “Take it one moment at a time and just hold on,” was the title of an email I received this morning from the popular app Calm. It inspired me to take a deep breath — and that made the next breath easier. With the world about to change in a week, it is all I can do. Just breathe. One inhale and exhale at a time.
If you are feeling like I am, below are some great tips from Calm starting with this truth: “We all know that life throws us curveballs. But when our world turns upside down so profoundly and unexpectedly the fear grief stress and emotional pain we experience can feel unbearable. Especially when the outcome is out of our control and we’re plunged into a deep sense of uncertainty about the future. It’s a lot.” Scroll down for more tips from the Weekly Calm.

Get Empowered-Together.us! Logo by Cynthia de Lorenzi, Cynthia.art
And, if you are looking to be part of a community of Calm, Cool, Compassionate, Changemakers, I invite you to join me and my Board of Directors in the launch of the Empowered Together Network. These are the new 4Cs of the diamon and our team is on a mission to help hundreds of women sparkely and shine as they stay in their power, knowing none of us is alone.
Here’s the plan:
- PR for all: Each member will be promoted on all of the Inkandescent® channels: our magazines, podcast network and TV channel.
- Network wisely: We will help everyone network with women you might not otherwise have the chance to meet. Our goal is to help everyone collaborate across cities and industries to make their big ideas come to life.
- Star in our podcast/video series: We will come together monthly to record an episode of the Truly Amazing Women Show. The leader will be one of our members talking about topics ranging from history lessons (this month) to conflict resolution, financial planning, healthy cooking, and so much more. I’ll share topics in future social media posts.
- Extra special: A key to the group will be to “Take a Class, Teach a Class.” All members are invited to teach a webinar, workshop, or series that we will promote. A small fee will be charged to attend (half off for members); this way, all of the teachers will generate revenue while sharing their wisdom. The classes will be featured on the new version of InkandescentWomen.com, which we’ll debut this winter.
- Mastermind this: Our members will also have the opportunity to participate in monthly mastermind workshops that we won’t record but will help us bond, brainstorm, and break free from whatever is holding us back.
- Learn more here: Empowered-Together.us.
- Join us: send me an email
- Get the party started: Click here to keep up with Empowered Together for free on LinkedIn!
Until next Monday: I am determined to stay calm, cool, compassionate, and most of all, be the change I wish to see in the world. I hope you’ll join me! — Hope Katz Gibbs, founder and president, Inkandescent® Inc. Inkandescent.us
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From the Weekly Calm
Here are three ways to cope if you’re navigating adversity:
💙 Allow yourself to feel. During distressing times emotions can feel more intense and overwhelming. Try to make space for any big feelings and give yourself time to adjust. It may take longer than you think. That’s okay.
💙 Focus on what’s in your control. When events are out of your control it can help to focus on your own sphere of influence to help ease fear and overwhelm. What tangible thing can you do right now? Maybe it’s processing your feelings with someone or taking productive action to support yourself or others.
💙 Take it moment by moment. In intense periods of stress or tragedy it’s common (and totally normal) for the mind to spiral into fear-based thinking. Gently encourage yourself to hold onto the present moment. Take it minute and minute. Easier said than done but important. May we all be safe. May we all be free from harm. May we all find relief from suffering.
Click here to keep Calm.