Jan. 6, 2024: Learn to Adapt to the “Eight Trends in Philanthropic Advising” with Dien Yuen’s Daylight — The global home for learning, practice, and research

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Illuminate Philanthropy — Trend 8: The Messy Marketplace

In this episode: Daylight founder Dien Yuen shares insights into the private equity invasion into the world of philanthropy, and innovation in wealth management. Keys to adapting, she says, include: Building scalable models, providing a one-pocket approach to funding, and understanding shifting centers of influence. Listen now!

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Monday Morning Magic from Inkandescent® PR + Publishing Co.Happy 2025, friends! I can’t imagine a better way to launch the new year than to share the good work being done by Daylight, a global professional development community for philanthropy and social impact. Founded by Dien Yuen, we helped her team create the Daylight’s Illuminate Philanthropy show to explain trends, feature changemakers, and shed more light on the topic of philanthropic giving.

In season 1, we focused on Daylight’s research around “Adapting to Eight Trends in Philanthropic Advising.” The conversation centered on the practices and networks to maximize philanthropy’s potential for transforming lives. Whether you’re in nonprofit development, wealth management, or passionate about social change, Daylight provides you with the skills to navigate the evolving world of wealth and philanthropy.

Megan Bell, Daylight’s Director of Engagement, and host of the “Illuminate Philanthropy” show

Hosted by Megan Bell, Daylight’s Director of Engagement, each episode features a member of the Daylight team who share insights into the 8 Trends, including:

  • Trend 1: The Changing Base with Dien and Daylight’s Director of Advisor Practice Tony Macklin
  • Trend 2: Evolving Definitions with Tony Macklin
  • Trend 3: Evolving Vehicles with Daylight’s Advisor Practice Specialist Rick Peck
  • Trend 4: Questioning Norms with Daylight’s Director of Strategic Impact Crystal Thompkins
  • Trend 5: Growing Mistrust with Crystal Thompkins
  • Trend 6: Wealth Planning with Rick Peck
  • Trend 7: AI for Good with Dien Yuen
  • Trend 8: Messy Marketplace with Dien Yuen

Tony Macklin, Director of Daylight’s Advisor Practice

Learn all about it: Above, you’ll find the first episode featuring Trend 1, The Changing Base, with Dien and Daylight’s Director of Advisor Practice Tony Macklin. Our podcast of the week is Trend 8: Messy Marketplace with Dien.

Stay tuned for Season 2: Insights from the Field, which includes interviews with industry experts who are also graduates of Dien’s Impact Philanthropy Advisor program:

Scroll down to learn more about Dien’s mission and her IPA program. Join her and her team: daylightadvisors.com

Until next Monday: May bright light shine on all things you do in 2025! — Hope Katz Gibbs, founder and president, Inkandescent® Inc. Inkandescent.us

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“Amidst a historic intergenerational transfer of wealth, rising needs, and interest in philanthropy, now is the time to reinvigorate and elevate the practice of impact advising,” says Dien Yuen, founder of Daylight. “We do that by helping advisors build their competence, confidence, and cultural dexterity.”

Our mission: 

  • Empower: Practitioners with contemporary, accessible learning opportunities, and launch the first accelerator for BIPOC philanthropic advisor-entrepreneurs.
  • Connect: Advisors, and organize and elevate this segment of the profession.
  • Understand: The sector better with new research on philanthropic influence.
  • Boost: The capacity of social justice organizations, as well as advisors, with specialized expertise and services.

“Advisors help activate the social impact of families and institutions – and there’s so much more we can do,” Dien knows. “Advisors bring the ideas and goals of families and institutions to life.  Whether a specialist, wealth manager, accountant, attorney, gift planner, or life coach, advisors are essential for enabling many types of social impact and maximizing its value.”

Yet amidst the opportunity of today and imperatives such as systemic racism and climate change, three shortages hold the sector back, she insists.

“We don’t have enough advisors fluent in philanthropy; they are not diverse enough, and we need modern, scalable knowledge and skills to drive sustainable, equitable change.”

Dien is on a mission to be the change she wishes to see in the world.

Become an Impact Philanthropy Advisor (IPA): Our certified Impact Philanthropy Advisor program is designed exclusively for wealth and philanthropic advisors, to help you meet this extraordinary opportunity to grow your business, client relationships and impact. Click here to register for your class: https://www.daylightadvisors.com/impact-philanthropy-advisor.

In the Daylight column on BeInkandescent magazine, you’ll find details about her team, her podcast show Illuminate Philanthropy, and more of her company’s impactful research!

Read more about it: daylightadvisors.com